“True friendship is putting your friend’s needs before your own wants.”

“A good friend will always choose to support you, even if it means sacrificing their own desires.”

“Friendship means being there for each other, no matter what.”

“A real friend will never abandon you for a romantic relationship.”

“A true friend will always prioritize your happiness, even if it means putting their love life on hold.”

“A friend’s love is selfless and unconditional.”

“Friendship is a bond that can withstand any obstacles, even those posed by romantic relationships.”

“A loyal friend will always choose to stand by your side, even when they are tempted by love.”

“Friendship is a treasure that should never be taken for granted or replaced by a romantic relationship.”

“A true friend will always value your friendship over any romantic partnership.”

“The true value of friendship lies in its ability to weather the storms of life, including the allure of romantic relationships.”

“A genuine friend will never abandon you in the pursuit of love.”

“A loyal friend is worth more than gold, as they will prioritize your well-being above all else.”

“True friendship involves putting each other’s interests and happiness above any other relationship.” MOTHER IN LAW QUOTES NICE

“A strong friendship can withstand the test of time, even when romantic relationships come and go.”

“A good friend will never substitute you for a romantic partner.”

“Real friends choose loyalty over temporary romance.”

“Friendship is a sacred bond that should never be compromised for the sake of a romantic relationship.”

“True friends are the ones who will never abandon you for a romantic relationship.”

“A genuine friend will always put your happiness before their own desire for love.”

“A true friend is someone who will always be there for you, regardless of any romantic relationship they may have.”

“A real friend will choose your well-being over their own romantic desires.”

“True friendship is always worth prioritizing over a romantic relationship.”

“A trustworthy friend will always stand by your side, even when tempted by the allure of love.”

“True friendship is built on trust, loyalty, and a commitment to putting each other first.”

“A real friend will never betray your trust by prioritizing a romantic relationship over your friendship.”

“Friendship is a sacred bond that should be cherished and protected, even in the face of enticing romantic relationships.”