“Let your life speak.” – George Fox

“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now.” – Isaac Penington

“Walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone.” – George Fox

“The true spirit of Quakerism is a spirit of tolerance, openness, and respect for all people.” – Elise Boulding

“Hold yourself to the highest ethical standards, even when it’s difficult.” – Benjamin Lay

“Let your life be a testimony to what you believe.” – Margaret Fell

“Simplicity is not about depriving yourself, but about focusing on what truly matters.” – John Woolman

“Silence is a sacred space where we can hear the whispers of our own souls.” – Rufus Jones

“Be kind to others, for we are all children of the same Divine Light.” – William Penn

“Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Mary Dyer

“Live simply so that others may simply live.” – John Woolman

“Our faith calls us to be peacemakers and to work towards justice for all.” – Lucretia Mott

“Speak truth to power, even when it’s difficult.” – Bayard Rustin

“Let our lives be shaped by love, not fear.” – Alice Paul QUOTES MOTHER AND DAUGHTER LOVE

“Do not let the noise of the world drown out the still, small voice of God within you.” – George Fox

“Seek the Light within and let it guide your path.” – Rufus Jones

“Live out your faith in action, for true religion is not found in words alone.” – Margaret Fell

“Do not just think about doing good, but go out and do it.” – Isaac Penington

“Love and accept all people, regardless of their differences.” – Lucretia Mott

“The measure of our love is not how we treat our friends, but how we treat our enemies.” – William Penn

“Let love be the guiding force in your actions.” – Isaac Newton

“Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe, even if you stand alone.” – Mary Dyer

“Let your faith be a light in the darkness.” – Bayard Rustin

“Do not be discouraged by the injustices of the world, but work towards a better future.” – Alice Paul

“Live simply, so that others may simply live.” – Benjamin Lay

“Listen to the whispers of the spirit within you, for it holds the wisdom of the ages.” – Rufus Jones

“Let your life be a living testament to the power of love and compassion.” – George Fox