“Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start making yourself proud.” – Anonymous

“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the non-pharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.” – John W. Gardner

“Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.” – Dale Carnegie

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start being the badass you were born to be.” – Anonymous

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start focusing on what you can do to change your situation.” – Unknown

“An apology won’t make a difference if you keep feeling sorry for yourself.” – Anonymous

“The more you feel sorry for yourself, the more you will attract reasons to feel sorry for yourself.” – Anonymous

“Feeling sorry for yourself will only feed into your weaknesses. Choose to be strong instead.” – Unknown

“Feeling sorry for yourself is not the solution – it only prolongs the problem.” – Anonymous

“The only person you should feel sorry for is the one who hasn’t realized their own potential.” – Anonymous

“Quit feeling sorry for yourself and start taking responsibility for your own happiness.” – Unknown

“Feeling sorry for yourself is not an effective strategy for success.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

“Feeling sorry for yourself won’t change the past or improve the future. It’s time to let go and focus on the present.” – Anonymous

“The moment you stop feeling sorry for yourself is the moment you start taking control of your life.” – Unknown

“Feeling sorry for yourself is like poisoning your own mind.” – Anonymous QUOTES ABOUT MAKING THE MOST OUT OF LIFE

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start using your energy to create a better life.” – Unknown

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start taking action to change your situation.” – Unknown

“Feeling sorry for yourself is the first step towards self-destruction.” – Unknown

“Quit feeling sorry for yourself and start appreciating the blessings in your life.” – Anonymous

“Feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t make you stronger; it makes you weaker.” – Unknown

“The longer you feel sorry for yourself, the longer it will take to find a solution.” – Anonymous

“Feeling sorry for yourself is a waste of time and energy. Use that energy to improve your situation instead.” – Unknown

“Feeling sorry for yourself is an excuse. Take responsibility for your circumstances and make a change.” – Unknown

“Feeling sorry for yourself won’t lead you to happiness. It’s time to start searching for gratitude instead.” – Anonymous

“Quit feeling sorry for yourself and start showing the world what you’re capable of.” – Unknown

“Feeling sorry for yourself is like being your own worst enemy.” – Anonymous

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start appreciating the opportunities that come your way.” – Unknown

“Feeling sorry for yourself is a self-destructive behavior. Choose self-empowerment instead.” – Anonymous

“Quit feeling sorry for yourself and start making positive changes in your life.” – Unknown