“Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance.” – Laurie Halse Anderson

“Burning books is like burning someone’s soul.” – Alberto Manguel

“A book is a loaded gun in the house next door.” – Ray Bradbury

“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations.” – Henry David Thoreau

“To burn books is to destroy the very essence of knowledge and enlightenment.” – Unknown

“Burning books is an act of extreme intolerance and a threat to freedom of expression.” – Salman Rushdie

“Books are not made to be burned, they are made to be read, cherished, and shared.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón

“Burning books is a desperate attempt to erase history and control the narrative.” – Unknown

“Books hold the keys to knowledge, imagination, and progress. Burning them extinguishes the light in our society.” – Unknown

“A society that burns books eventually burns its own future.” – Unknown

“When you burn a book, you burn the ideas and thoughts that could change the world.” – Unknown THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP QUOTES

“Burning books is an act of cultural vandalism and intellectual repression.” – Unknown

“Books are the mirrors of the mind, and burning them is an assault on our collective consciousness.” – Unknown

“Burning books is an affront to the freedom of thought and expression.” – Voltaire

“Knowledge is power, and burning books is an attempt to suppress that power.” – Unknown

“Burning books is a symbol of ignorance and fear, not enlightenment.” – Unknown

“Books are a reflection of our humanity, and burning them is a denial of our own existence.” – Unknown

“Burning books is a display of intellectual cowardice and insecurity.” – Unknown

“The act of burning books is an assault on our intellectual heritage and a threat to our future.” – Unknown

“Burning books is an act of intellectual genocide and a crime against humanity.” – Unknown