“Friendships that are born in moments of heartache and adversity are often the strongest and most enduring.” – Unknown

“There comes a time when you have to let go of friendships that no longer serve you positively.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we outgrow certain people, and that’s okay. It opens up the opportunity for new and better friendships to enter our lives.” – Unknown

“It’s better to have a few true friends than many acquaintances who will eventually fade away.” – Unknown

“True friends will never leave your side, no matter what life throws at you.” – Unknown

“A true friend will always love and support you, even if they’re no longer physically present in your life.” – Unknown

“Sometimes people leave not because of who you are, but because of who they are.” – Unknown

“Friends come and go, but the ones who leave an indelible mark on your heart are the ones worth cherishing.” – Unknown

“As painful as it may be, sometimes friends leaving is a reminder that we deserve better and should surround ourselves with those who truly appreciate us.” – Unknown

“True friendship can withstand the test of time and distance. Those who are meant to stay in your life will find a way back to you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes people enter our lives to teach us valuable lessons, and when their purpose is fulfilled, they may leave.” – Unknown

“Losing a friend is tough, but it also teaches us resilience and the importance of valuing ourselves.” – Unknown

“Friendships evolve, just like we do. Embracing change and accepting that some friendships have a season can lead us to new and fulfilling connections.” – Unknown

“Goodbye may be difficult, but it opens the door for new hellos.” – Unknown

“People who leave our lives create space for others who are meant to enhance and enrich it.” – Unknown BEST QUOTES FROM SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO

“Instead of dwelling on the friends who have left, focus on the ones who have stayed and the potential for new connections.” – Unknown

“When a friend leaves, it’s an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.” – Unknown

“The true test of friendship is not based on how long someone stays by your side, but on the impact they have had on your life.” – Unknown

“Parting ways with friends can be painful, but it also allows us to reflect on what we truly value in a relationship.” – Unknown

“The right friends will always find their way back to you, even after periods of separation.” – Unknown

“Not every friendship is meant to last forever. Learn to appreciate the time you had and let go gracefully.” – Unknown

“True friends are the ones who leave footprints on our hearts, even long after they’re gone.” – Unknown

“Sometimes people leave not because they don’t care, but because they believe it’s the best decision for both parties involved.” – Unknown

“The absence of certain friends in our lives can create space for personal growth and self-improvement.” – Unknown

“Friendships may change and evolve over time. What matters is the impact they had on your life during their presence.” – Unknown

“Don’t be sad about friends leaving; be grateful for the memories and experiences you shared.” – Unknown

“A true friend’s legacy stays with you even when they’re no longer physically present.” – Unknown

“Sometimes people exit our lives to make room for better, more fulfilling relationships.” – Unknown