“A true friend never uses you for their own personal gain.” – Unknown

“Beware of friends who only remember you when they need something.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t take advantage of your kindness.” – Unknown

“It’s better to have no friends than friends who only use you.” – Unknown

“A true friendship is built on trust, not exploitation.” – Unknown

“A real friend will never use you as a stepping stone to their own success.” – Unknown

“Don’t be naive; some friends only stick around for what you can offer.” – Unknown

“If someone treats you like a convenience, they’re not a true friend.” – Unknown

“A friend who constantly uses you is not worth your time or energy.” – Unknown

“Be cautious of friends who only reach out when they need a favor.” – Unknown

“Never let a friend take advantage of your generosity.” – Unknown

“You deserve friends who value your worth, not ones who exploit it.” – Unknown

“True friends support and uplift you, not just use you as a crutch.” – Unknown

“Don’t let friends use you as a means to an end.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT FALSE FRIENDSHIP

“A friend who only communicates when they need something is not a true friend.” – Unknown

“Friendship should be based on mutual respect, not one-sided exploitation.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never manipulate or use you for their own benefit.” – Unknown

“Genuine friends don’t treat you like a resource to be tapped into.” – Unknown

“If someone only remembers you when they need something, they’re not a real friend.” – Unknown

“You deserve friends who appreciate you for who you are, not just what you can do for them.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t see you as a tool to be used, but as a person to be cherished.” – Unknown

“Beware of friends who disappear when they no longer need your help.” – Unknown

“Friendship should be a two-way street, not a one-sided exploit.” – Unknown

“You should never feel like a doormat to your friends; they should lift you up, not use you.” – Unknown

“Don’t let friends take advantage of your kindness; value yourself enough to stand up for it.” – Unknown

“If a friend only reaches out to you when they need something, they are not a genuine friend.” – Unknown