“Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.” – Erich Fromm

“Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough.” – Janwillem van de Wetering

“Greed is a strong and ugly vice that turns even the most beautiful person into a monster.” – Unknown

“A greedy man always searches for more, never satisfied with what he already has.” – Unknown

“The greedy person is never content, always desiring more even at the expense of others.” – Unknown

“Greed blinds the person to the beauty and joy that can be found in simplicity and contentment.” – Unknown

“Greed is a bottomless pit that consumes everything in its path, leaving behind only a trail of destruction.” – Unknown

“A greedy person may accumulate wealth, but they will always be poor in spirit.” – Unknown

“Greed is the enemy of happiness; it convinces the person that they will never have enough.” – Unknown

“Greed is like a wildfire that spreads and destroys everything in its wake.” – Unknown

“A greedy person may gather riches, but they will never truly know the value of love and compassion.” – Unknown

“The greedy person hoards wealth like a dragon hoards gold, slowly suffocating in their own greed.” – Unknown

“Greed blinds the person to the suffering of others, causing them to only care about their own gain.” – Unknown

“A greedy person may have everything they want, but they will always want more, never satisfied.” – Unknown SHORT FUNNY BIBLE QUOTES

“Greed is a bottomless pit that can never be filled, no matter how much the person tries.” – Unknown

“Greed is a force that consumes the person, transforming them into a slave to their desires.” – Unknown

“A greedy person may accumulate possessions, but they will never be fulfilled in their life.” – Unknown

“Greed is a poison that seeps into the person’s soul, corrupting them from within.” – Unknown

“A greedy person may appear successful, but they will always be empty inside.” – Unknown

“Greed is a disease that eats away at the person’s humanity, making them lose sight of what truly matters.” – Unknown

“A greedy person may have material wealth, but they will always be poor in character.” – Unknown

“Greed is a never-ending hunger that can never be satisfied, no matter how much the person possesses.” – Unknown

“A greedy person may gain power, but they will always be weak in their moral compass.” – Unknown

“Greed is the hollow pursuit of material wealth, leaving the person devoid of true happiness.” – Unknown

“A greedy person may achieve success, but they will always be haunted by the emptiness it brings.” – Unknown

“Greed makes the person lose sight of what truly matters in life, leaving them with nothing but their own insatiable desires.” – Unknown