“Sometimes the hardest part about letting go of a friend is realizing that the person you once knew does not exist anymore.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to let go of those who no longer bring positivity into your life.” – Unknown

“When it’s time to leave, just walk away silently without any explanation and with your head held high.” – Unknown

“True friends are never really gone; their memories and impact remain forever.” – Unknown

“Leaving toxic friendships behind is a form of self-care.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to distance yourself from people who only call you when they need something.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be alone than surrounded by fake friends who bring you down.” – Unknown

“The worst feeling is realizing that you’ve outgrown some of your friends.” – Unknown

“Sometimes letting go of a friend is necessary in order to preserve your own mental well-being.” – Unknown

“Not everyone who is present during your struggle deserves to be present during your success.” – Unknown

“If you have to force a friendship, then it’s probably time to let it go.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you, and let go of those who drain your energy.” – Unknown

“Leaving friends behind doesn’t mean you’re a bad person; it means you have grown and evolved.” – Unknown

“Closely observe who claps when you succeed and who spreads negativity when you fail.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never hold you back; they will always encourage you to grow and achieve your dreams.” – Unknown EVIL WILL ALWAYS TRIUMPH QUOTE

“Sometimes it’s better to have a few true friends than a large group of shallow ones.” – Unknown

“Distance yourself from anyone who constantly brings drama into your life.” – Unknown

“The people who truly care about you will understand your need for space and time apart.” – Unknown

“Leaving a toxic friendship is not giving up; it’s choosing self-respect and self-love.” – Unknown

“You can outgrow people without outgrowing the love you once had for them.” – Mandy Hale

“Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore, it’s just realizing that they aren’t right for you.” – Unknown

“Life is too short to waste time on friendships that bring you down.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with friends who make you a better person, not ones who bring you down.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to let go of people who aren’t ready to love or appreciate you yet.” – Unknown

“You deserve friends who inspire and support your growth, not ones who hinder it.” – Unknown

“Don’t feel guilty for leaving a friendship that is no longer serving you.” – Unknown

“The friends who stick around during your darkest moments are the ones worth keeping.” – Unknown

“Life is too precious to waste it on friendships that don’t bring you joy.” – Unknown