“Lent is a time to reflect on our own brokenness and embrace the healing power of God’s love.” – Unknown

“It is not the external observance that matters in Lent, but the internal transformation of the heart.” – Unknown

“Lent is a season of repentance, a time to turn away from our sins and turn towards God.” – Unknown

“In the Lenten journey, we walk with Jesus in his suffering, knowing that there is hope and redemption on the other side.” – Unknown

“Lent is a reminder that we are called to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus.” – Unknown

“Lent teaches us the importance of sacrifice as we give up something worldly and focus on what truly matters.” – Unknown

“During Lent, we fast not only from food but also from selfishness, greed, and pride.” – Unknown

“In the silence of Lent, we find the strength to listen to God’s voice and discern His will for our lives.” – Unknown

“Lent is not a season of despair, but a time of hope, as we await the resurrection with renewed faith.” – Unknown

“Lent is a season of introspection, where we examine our hearts and seek forgiveness from God and others.” – Unknown

“Lent is an invitation to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, fasting, and acts of charity.” – Unknown

“In Lent, we are reminded of our mortality and the urgency to live a life of purpose and meaning.” – Unknown

“Lent is a time to let go of the past and embrace the new beginnings that God offers us.” – Unknown

“Lent is a reminder that we are dust and to dust we shall return, calling us to live each day with gratitude and purpose.” – Unknown

“During Lent, we strive to be more like Jesus, who humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death.” – Unknown

“Lent is not a season to impress others with our piety, but a time to humble ourselves before God.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT LITTLE BROTHERS FROM A BIG SISTER

“Lent is an opportunity to surrender our will to God’s will and trust in His plan for our lives.” – Unknown

“In the desert of Lent, we confront our own temptations and grow in reliance on God’s grace.” – Unknown

“Lent is a time to let go of distractions and simplify our lives, focusing on what truly matters.” – Unknown

“Lent is a spiritual journey where we walk alongside Jesus, seeking transformation, and renewal.” – Unknown

“In the darkness of Lent, we find the light of Christ, guiding us towards a life of faith and love.” – Unknown

“Lent is a season of mercy, where we experience the forgiveness and love of God in our lives.” – Unknown

“During Lent, we are called to examine our prejudices and biases and embrace the diversity of God’s creation.” – Unknown

“Lent is a time to confront our own mortality and remember the brevity of life.” – Unknown

“In Lent, we empty ourselves of worldly desires and fill our hearts with the love of Christ.” – Unknown

“Lent is a period of self-reflection, allowing us to grow in self-awareness and embrace true humility.” – Unknown

“During Lent, we enter into the wilderness of our own souls, seeking God’s presence and guidance.” – Unknown

“Lent is a time to practice forgiveness, letting go of grudges and embracing reconciliation.” – Unknown

“In Lent, we are reminded of the immense sacrifice Jesus made for us and are called to imitate His example.” – Unknown

“Lent is a season of transformation, where we emerge from the ashes of our old selves and rise anew with Christ.” – Unknown