“Every new day is a chance to start a new life.” – Unknown

“Life is about change, transformation, and new beginnings.” – Diane Griffith

“Each sunrise brings a new opportunity to start afresh and pursue your dreams.” – Unknown

“With every ending, comes a new beginning.” – Unknown

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” – T.S. Eliot

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu

“Life is about evolving and embracing new beginnings.” – Unknown

“In every end, there is also a beginning.” – Unknown

“A new life starts with a new mindset.” – Unknown

“The best time for new beginnings is now.” – Unknown

“Change can be scary, but it can also be the start of something amazing.” – Unknown

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” – Unknown SMILE POSITIVE QUOTES

“Never be afraid to start over, it’s a chance to build something better.” – Unknown

“You are not defined by your past, but by the choices you make for your future.” – Unknown

“New beginnings are the keys to unlocking our full potential.” – Unknown

“Life is made up of a series of new beginnings, embrace them all.” – Unknown

“Every day is a new opportunity to change your life.” – Unknown

“When one door closes, another one opens.” – Alexander Graham Bell

“The road to success is paved with new beginnings.” – Unknown

“Transformation begins with a single step towards a new life.” – Unknown

“Embrace the beauty of new beginnings and let go of the past.” – Unknown

“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw