“In the midst of the storm, keep your focus on the sun.” – Unknown

“The greater the storm, the brighter the rainbow.” – Unknown

“Storms make trees take deeper roots.” – Dolly Parton

“The storms of life prove the strength of our anchor.” – Unknown

“The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.” – Native American Proverb

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Sometimes you have to create your own sunshine amidst the storm.” – Unknown

“The storm may be raging, but peace can be found within.” – Unknown

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

“Storms make us stronger, difficulties give us wisdom, and tough times build resilience.” – Unknown

“After every storm, there is a rainbow. If you have eyes, you will find it.” – Unknown

“The storm you are in, is leading you to the place you have longed for.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT BEING HONEST TO YOUR FRIENDS

“Don’t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it’s stormy now, doesn’t mean you aren’t headed for sunshine.” – Unknown

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” – Unknown

“The sun never stops shining, sometimes you just have to look beyond the storm clouds to find it.” – Unknown

“Every storm runs out of rain.” – Maya Angelou

“Life’s toughest storms prove the strength of our anchors.” – Unknown

“The winds may batter us, but they cannot break us.” – Unknown

“Storms may come and go, but the lessons they teach last a lifetime.” – Unknown

“When the storm rips you to pieces, you get to decide how to put yourself back together again.” – Bryant McGill

“The storm is not our downfall, it’s merely the beginning of our triumph.” – Unknown

“The calm after the storm is the most breathtaking view you’ll ever have.” – Unknown