“Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition they have overcome to reach their goals.” – Dorothy Height

“A great person is one who remains humble in the face of success and gracious in the face of failure.” – Unknown

“The measure of a great person is their ability to handle criticism and learn from it.” – Unknown

“A great person is one who can uplift and inspire others with their actions and words.” – Unknown

“Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength.” – Henry Ward Beecher

“The mark of a great person is someone who can triumph over adversity and inspire others to do the same.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not about power, but about having the courage to lead by example.” – Unknown

“A great person leaves a positive impact on everyone they encounter.” – Unknown

“The truly great person is one who can make others feel great about themselves.” – Unknown

“Greatness is achieved when one person’s dreams become bigger than their fears.” – Unknown

“A great person is one who can bring out the best in others, even in the worst circumstances.” – Unknown

“Great people do not seek recognition, for their actions speak louder than any words.” – Unknown

“A great person is not defined by their wealth or possessions, but by their character and values.” – Unknown CHINA QUOTES ABOUT LOVE

“Greatness is not about being better than anyone else, but about being the best version of oneself.” – Unknown

“A great person is one who leads with compassion, understanding, and empathy.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not limited to a specific profession or achievement, but can be found in any pursuit that brings joy and fulfillment.” – Unknown

“A truly great person is one who consistently shows kindness and generosity, without expecting anything in return.” – Unknown

“Great people inspire others to push beyond their limits and achieve extraordinary things.” – Unknown

“The true greatness of a person lies in their ability to bring out greatness in others.” – Unknown

“A great person is one who not only achieves success, but also brings positive change to the world.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not about perfection, but about learning from mistakes and growing stronger.” – Unknown

“A great person is someone who sees the potential in others and helps them tap into it.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not about being the most powerful, but about empowering others.” – Unknown

“A great person is one who never loses their sense of wonder and curiosity.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not defined by what one has, but by what one gives.” – Unknown