“The scars from mental cruelty can be as deep and long-lasting as wounds from punches or slaps but are often not as obvious.” – Lundy Bancroft

“Abuse is such a powerful violation that it shapes our very perception of ourselves.” – Bell Hooks

“Abuse and neglect negate love. Care and affirmation the opposite of abuse and humiliation are the foundation of love.” – Bell Hooks

“Being in a constant state of fear or anxiety is not normal. It is the result of living with an abusive parent.” – Darlene Ouimet

“Abuse and neglect are the absence of compassion.” – Asa Don Brown

“Abuse is often born out of the belief that one person has the right to control another.” – Danielle Steel

“Abusive parents are masters of manipulation and control.” – Karyl McBride

“Abuse is not love. It is a twisted form of power and control.” – Unknown

“Toxic parenting can cause lifelong damage to a child’s self-esteem and well-being.” – Unknown

“Children are not responsible for their parents’ abusive behavior. They are the innocent victims.” – Unknown

“Abuse thrives in silence. Speak up, break the cycle.” – Unknown

“Abuse is never the fault of the victim, no matter what manipulative tactics the abuser uses.” – Unknown

“Children who grow up with abusive parents often struggle with trust and forming healthy relationships.” – Unknown BEAUTIFUL QUOTES ON SADNESS

“Abuse scars more than just the body; it tarnishes the soul.” – Unknown

“Abuse is the ultimate betrayal of a parent’s role to protect and nurture their children.” – Unknown

“Children deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, not subjected to abuse.” – Unknown

“The impact of abuse on a child can last a lifetime, but so can their resilience and ability to heal.” – Unknown

“Abuse is a cycle that continues until someone has the courage to break it.” – Unknown

“No child should have to fear their parent. Love and safety should be synonymous.” – Unknown

“Abuse is a systematic pattern of control and intimidation, disguised as love or discipline.” – Unknown

“Abuse is a poison that slowly erodes the spirit of its victims.” – Unknown

“Toxic parents inflict their own unresolved traumas onto their children, perpetuating the cycle of abuse.” – Unknown

“Abuse is not a sign of strength; it is a reflection of weakness and insecurity.” – Unknown

“Children who escape abusive parents often grow up to become survivors and advocates for change.” – Unknown