“Admiration is the silent voice of recognition and respect.” – Unknown

“Admiration is a kind of love that inspires and uplifts.” – Bryant H. McGill

“Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Admiration is not only about what someone does but who they are.” – Unknown

“True admiration is not just for what someone achieves, but for the qualities they possess.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the bridge between inspiration and motivation.” – Unknown

“Admiration is like a torch, lighting the path to greatness.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the highest form of appreciation.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the sweetest form of flattery.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Admiring someone’s strength doesn’t diminish your own.” – Unknown

“Admire the achievements of others, but never forget to celebrate your own.” – Unknown

“Admiration is not simply reserved for the extraordinary, but also for the everyday heroes around us.” – Unknown

“Admiration is like a magnet, drawing us closer to those we look up to.” – Unknown BEST USE OF TIME QUOTES

“Admiring others’ success doesn’t make us any less capable of achieving our own.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the fuel that propels us towards greatness.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the foundation of true friendship.” – Unknown

“Admire those who are different, for they have the courage to stand out.” – Unknown

“Admiration is like a mirror, reflecting the best parts of ourselves.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the purest form of love.” – Unknown

“Admiring others’ beauty doesn’t make us any less beautiful.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the spark that ignites our own potential.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the remedy for envy.” – Plato

“Admiring others doesn’t mean we wish to be like them, but rather we acknowledge and appreciate their unique qualities.” – Unknown

“Admiration is the antidote to resentment.” – Unknown