“Are we still friends, or have we become strangers with memories?”

“Friendship is like a bridge, if it’s broken, can we still be friends?”

“Distance may separate us, but are we still friends in our hearts?”

“Sometimes, we have to question if the bond is still there – are we still friends or just acquaintances?”

“True friendship can withstand any test, but do our actions prove that we are still friends?”

“Time may bring change, but can it also preserve our friendship? Are we still friends?”

“Friendship should be unconditional, but are we still friends when conditions change?”

“As life takes us on different paths, we must ask ourselves, are we still friends or simply ships passing by?”

“Friendship requires effort from both sides – are we still friends if one side stops trying?”

“Through ups and downs, are we still friends, or has our bond faded away?”

“Are we still friends if we no longer share the same interests and beliefs?”

“Friendship is tested through tough times – are we still friends even when times are tough?”

“Friendship should be based on trust and understanding – are we still friends if trust is broken?”

“Actions speak louder than words – do our actions show that we are still friends?”

“Friendship is a two-way street – are we still friends if the road is only traveled by one?” 2 YEAR DEATH ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR HUSBAND

“Friendship is built on shared experiences – are we still friends if our experiences no longer intersect?”

“Friendship is a journey – are we still friends if we are headed in different directions?”

“True friends can communicate without words – are we still friends if there is silence between us?”

“Friendship should be built on support and encouragement – are we still friends if we tear each other down?”

“Friendship is not just a convenience – are we still friends if we only reach out when it’s convenient?”

“The measure of friendship is not in the quantity but in the quality – are we still friends if we no longer have deep conversations and connections?”

“Friendship should be the anchor that keeps us grounded – are we still friends if we no longer feel grounded in each other’s presence?”

“Are we still friends if we let jealousy and competition drive a wedge between us?”

“Friendship should lift us up, not bring us down – are we still friends if our presence brings negativity?”

“Sometimes, we have to reevaluate our connections – are we still friends if we no longer bring out the best in each other?”

“Friendship should inspire growth and personal development – are we still friends if we inhibit each other’s progress?”

“True friends understand and accept each other’s flaws – are we still friends if we cannot embrace each other’s imperfections?”

“Friendship should be a safe space for vulnerability – are we still friends if we cannot be our authentic selves when we’re together?”

“Are we still friends if the essence of our friendship has become a distant memory?”