“Sometimes being a good friend means being a shoulder to lean on, even if it takes a toll on your own strength.” – Unknown

“True friends are always there to support you even when you’re too good to ask for help.” – Unknown

“It’s both a blessing and a curse to be too good a friend; sometimes you give so much that you forget to refill your own cup.” – Unknown

“Being too good a friend often means setting aside your own needs to prioritize others, but remember to take care of yourself too.” – Unknown

“When you’re too good a friend, you tend to put everyone else’s happiness before yours, but remember that your own happiness matters too.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who understands your silence, even when you’re too good to express your feelings.” – Unknown

“Being too good a friend means being a constant source of support, even when you feel like you have nothing left to give.” – Unknown

“In friendship, it’s not always about being the perfect friend; sometimes it’s about being there through the imperfections.” – Unknown

“Being too good a friend means never giving up on someone, even when they’ve given up on themselves.” – Unknown

“When you’re too good a friend, you become someone’s rock, even when your own world feels shaky.” – Unknown

“Being too good a friend means being the one who stays when everyone else walks away.” – Unknown THANK GOD FOR SISTER QUOTES

“Too good a friend is the one who listens without judgment and loves unconditionally, even when you make mistakes.” – Unknown

“Being too good a friend means holding on even when it’s easier to let go.” – Unknown

“A friend who is too good is like a guardian angel, always watching over you and guiding you through life.” – Unknown

“Being too good a friend means being the person who understands without needing explanations.” – Unknown

“When you’re too good a friend, you become one of the few constants in someone’s life.” – Unknown

“Being too good a friend sometimes means risking your own heart to save someone else’s.” – Unknown

“A good friend is someone who brings out the best in you, even when you’re too good to see it yourself.” – Unknown

“Being too good a friend means accepting someone as they are, flaws and all, without judgment.” – Unknown

“True friendship means being too good to give up on someone, no matter the circumstances.” – Unknown