“Biting is excellent. It’s like kissing, only there’s a winner.” – Neil Gaiman

“Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it.” – Ella Williams

“Biting, like all forms of violence, is an expression of deeply rooted pain.” – Bell Hooks

“When life bites, bite back.” – Regina Brett

“Biting the bullet means you’ve given up all other forms of pain relief.” – Laurell K. Hamilton

“Sometimes you have to bite someone to remind everyone that you have teeth.” – Max Brooks

“Biting words can leave deeper scars than any physical wound.” – Aesop

“Biting through the pain is what winners do.” – Richie Norton

“Bite your tongue before it bites someone else.” – Chinese Proverb

“Be gracious when life bites, for it is only trying to teach you something.” – Unknown

“Biting is a defense mechanism, sometimes you have to bite to survive.” – Unknown

“Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do.” – Henry Ford

“If you bite my words, you will be bitten by your actions.” – Unknown

“When life tries to break you, bite the hand that feeds you pain.” – Unknown

“Biting is an act of desperation, a cry for help when words won’t suffice.” – Unknown WHEN SOMEONE TRIES TO RUIN YOUR CHARACTER QUOTES

“Biting the hand that feeds can sometimes lead to a full belly.” – Unknown

“When you bite off more than you can chew, chew like hell.” -Unknown

“Bite into life like it’s a juicy apple, savoring every last drop.” – Unknown

“Biting is an art form, the mark of a creative and fearless soul.” – Unknown

“Bite your tongue, unless you have something meaningful to say.” – Unknown

“When life knocks you down, bite back with resilience.” – Unknown

“Biting may hurt, but sometimes you have to inflict pain to protect yourself.” – Unknown

“Bite the bullet and face your fears head-on.” – Unknown

“Biting can be cruel, so use your teeth wisely.” -Unknown

“When love bites, it leaves a mark that can never truly heal.” – Unknown

“Bite the hand that oppresses you and watch them crumble under your strength.” – Unknown

“Biting will leave its mark, but words will leave a lasting impression.” – Unknown

“Bite what bites you, and don’t let go until it surrenders.” – Unknown