“Promises are like glass; once broken, they can never be fully repaired.” – Unknown

“A promise means everything, but once it is broken, sorry means nothing.” – Unknown

“Breaking a promise is like destroying the trust that was built in years.” – Unknown

“Promises may not mean much to others, but they reflect on your character, integrity, and honesty.” – Unknown

“When you break a promise, you break the trust of the person who believed in you.” – Unknown

“A broken promise is a reminder that actions always speak louder than words.” – Unknown

“Promises are meant to be kept, for they define the strength of your word.” – Unknown

“Breaking a promise shows a lack of respect for the commitment you made.” – Unknown

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” – Mark Twain

“Promises are the threads that hold relationships together, and breaking them unravels the bond.” – Unknown

“Broken promises lead to shattered dreams and faded hopes.” – Unknown MARINE QUOTES ABOUT DEATH

“A promise broken is a wound that never fully heals.” – Unknown

“A false promise is like a dark cloud blocking the sun’s bright rays.” – Unknown

“A broken promise is a betrayal of the heart.” – Unknown

“The bitterness of a broken promise lingers long after the taste of sweetness has faded.” – Unknown

“A broken promise is a broken key that can no longer unlock a heart.” – Unknown

“Breaking a promise may seem small, but it leaves a lasting impact on those who trusted you.” – Unknown

“A broken promise is like a scar; it never completely disappears and serves as a reminder of the hurt.” – Unknown

“Promises should be upheld, as they shape the foundation of trust in any relationship.” – Unknown

“Breaking a promise is like tearing apart a handwritten letter full of love and sincerity.” – Unknown