“In the midst of darkness, beauty always emerges.” – Horace

“The night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.” – Vincent Van Gogh

“The deeper the darkness, the more dazzling the light.” – Ezra Taft Benson

“Beauty is not diminished by darkness, but rather revealed.” – Unknown

“The stars come out in darkness to remind us of the beauty that can still exist in difficult times.” – Unknown

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“The beauty of darkness lies in the hidden truths it unveils.” – Unknown

“Beauty is like a flower that blooms even in the darkest of nights.” – Unknown

“The beauty of the night sky is a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is still something to admire.” – Unknown

“Darkness is not the absence of light, but the opportunity to see beauty differently.” – Unknown

“Out of darkness, comes the brightest stars.” – Unknown

“There is a certain darkness needed to see the stars.” – Osho

“Beauty is a light in the heart that shines amidst the darkness.” – Unknown

“In the depths of darkness, we find hidden treasures of beauty.” – Unknown

“The beauty of darkness lies in its ability to make us appreciate the light even more.” – Unknown BEST STUDY QUOTES FOR STUDENTS

“Even in the deepest darkness, there is a glimmer of beauty waiting to be discovered.” – Unknown

“The night sky is a canvas where the stars paint their beauty with darkness as the backdrop.” – Unknown

“Beauty exists in the shadows, waiting to be found.” – Unknown

“Darkness teaches us to appreciate the beauty of light.” – Unknown

“The beauty of darkness is that it reminds us of the beauty of light.” – Unknown

“In darkness, we find solace and discover the beauty within.” – Unknown

“Embrace the darkness, for it reveals the true essence of beauty.” – Unknown

“Beauty blooms in the darkest corners, just like the flowers in a moonlit garden.” – Unknown

“The darkness of the night only enhances the brilliance of the stars.” – Unknown

“Pearls are born from darkness, and beauty emerges from pain.” – Unknown

“The beauty of the night is that it reminds us that even in darkness, there is still something to admire.” – Unknown

“The beauty of darkness is that it holds the possibility of dawn.” – Unknown

“Darkness may surround us, but beauty will always find a way to shine through.” – Unknown