“Having a daughter means you’ll never be the smartest person in the room again.” -Unknown

“A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.” -Unknown

“Daughters are like flowers, they fill the world with beauty and light, but can also be incredibly prickly.” -Unknown

“Dear Daughter, if I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I love you.” -Unknown

“Daughters may drive you crazy, but at least they drive away your worries too.” -Unknown

“Raising a daughter is like growing a beautiful flower, except this flower talks back and doesn’t like your fashion advice.” -Unknown

“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come. Except when your daughter wants to show you the embarrassing photos from your past.” -Unknown

“Having a daughter means having a permanent shadow that mimics both your best and worst qualities.” -Unknown

“A daughter is a little girl who grows up to steal your clothes, makeup, and the remote control.” -Unknown

“Daughters are proof that patience truly is a virtue, especially when it comes to waiting for them to get ready.” -Unknown

“A daughter is God’s way of saying ‘thought you could use an extra dose of drama in your life.'” -Unknown

“Daughters are little bundles of joy and piles of clothes that never seem to make it back to their hangers.” -Unknown BEST QUOTES FOR BUSINESS GROWTH

“Daughters are expert negotiators. They can turn a ‘no’ into a ‘maybe’ and a ‘maybe’ into a ‘yes’ without breaking a sweat.” -Unknown

“A daughter is a constant reminder that they know the answer to everything, even when they don’t.” -Unknown

“The best thing about having a daughter is watching her turn into a mini version of yourself, complete with all your bad habits and sarcastic remarks.” -Unknown

“Daughters have a way of reminding you that your hairdo from the 80s was not as cool as you thought.” -Unknown

“A daughter is like a little miracle that never ceases to amaze you, even when she’s causing chaos in the house.” -Unknown

“No matter how old she gets, a daughter will always be the epitome of untamed joy and unfiltered honesty.” -Unknown

“Everyday with a daughter is an adventure, from dressing up as princesses to arguing over which color crayon to use.” -Unknown

“Daughters are like a string of laughter that adds color to your life, even on the gloomiest days.” -Unknown

“A daughter is a reflection of all the love and laughter she brings into your life, along with the occasional eye-rolling.” -Unknown

“Daughters: Making us laugh, cry, and question our sanity all in one day.” -Unknown