“Denial is a mechanism of survival.” – Virginia Woolf

“Denying your feelings does not make them disappear; it only buries them deeper.” – Unknown

“Denial can be the strongest form of self-deception.” – Paulo Coelho

“We cannot deny our feelings and expect them to just vanish.” – Unknown

“Denying feelings doesn’t make them go away, it only prolongs the healing process.” – Unknown

“Denial is a convenient way to avoid facing uncomfortable emotions.” – Unknown

“Denying emotions is like putting a Band-Aid on a wound that needs stitches.” – Unknown

“It takes courage to face our feelings instead of denying them.” – Unknown

“Denial is not a healthy coping mechanism; it’s a temporary escape.” – Unknown

“Denying feelings only creates a breeding ground for resentment.” – Unknown

“Denial may protect us temporarily, but it ultimately traps us in a cycle of unresolved emotions.” – Unknown

“You can’t heal what you don’t acknowledge; denying feelings only prolongs the pain.” – Unknown

“Denial may provide temporary relief, but it builds a wall between ourselves and true emotional growth.” – Unknown

“Denying our feelings is like trying to hold back the ocean with a teaspoon.” – Unknown

“Denying feelings is like pretending that the sun doesn’t exist; it’s futile.” – Unknown SHORT GOD QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Denial is a recipe for self-destruction; acknowledging our feelings is a step towards healing.” – Unknown

“Denying our emotions is like refusing to breathe; it’s essential for our well-being.” – Unknown

“Denying your emotions is like trying to hold your breath forever; it’s unsustainable.” – Unknown

“Denying feelings only leads to a disconnection from our true selves.” – Unknown

“Denying emotions is like bottling them up, waiting for the day they explode.” – Unknown

“Denying feelings is a temporary fix that masks the underlying issues.” – Unknown

“Denying our emotions is like holding onto a hot coal and expecting not to get burned.” – Unknown

“Denying our feelings is a form of self-betrayal.” – Unknown

“Denial may seem like an escape, but it’s really just a detour on the journey to self-discovery.” – Unknown

“Denial numbs the pain temporarily, but it hinders our ability to truly heal.” – Unknown

“Denying our emotions is like pretending that a wildfire isn’t raging right in front of us.” – Unknown

“Denying feelings is like turning off the lights and pretending the darkness doesn’t exist.” – Unknown

“Denying our feelings robs us of the opportunity to understand ourselves on a deeper level.” – Unknown