“Drugs take you to hell, disguised as heaven.” – Donald Lynn Frost

“Drugs ruin lives. They take away everything you ever loved and leave you with nothing.” – Unknown

“Drugs are not a solution, they are a problem, and they make everything in your life worse.” – Unknown

“Drugs don’t make your problems disappear; they just create new ones.” – Unknown

“Drugs make you an enemy of your own life.” – Unknown

“Drugs destroy families, dreams, and futures.” – Unknown

“Drugs are like a thief that slowly steals everything that is good in your life.” – Unknown

“Drugs may offer temporary escape, but they ultimately trap you in a never-ending nightmare.” – Unknown

“Drugs create a never-ending cycle of destruction that consumes every aspect of your life.” – Unknown

“Drugs only provide a temporary high, but the consequences last a lifetime.” – Unknown

“Drugs may seem like a temporary solution, but they become a permanent problem.” – Unknown

“Drugs rob you of your potential and replace it with regret and emptiness.” – Unknown

“Drugs destroy both your physical and mental health, leaving you with nothing.” – Unknown

“Drugs are a dead end road that leads to nowhere but pain and suffering.” – Unknown ETSY MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES

“Drugs are a false escape that turns your life into a never-ending nightmare.” – Unknown

“Drugs are a quick fix that leads to long-term damage and irreversible consequences.” – Unknown

“Drugs strip away your dignity and leave you as a mere shell of your former self.” – Unknown

“Drugs may offer temporary pleasure, but they eventually rob you of all joy.” – Unknown

“Drugs destroy relationships faster than they can be built.” – Unknown

“Drugs kill dreams, hopes, and aspirations, replacing them with regret and despair.” – Unknown

“Drugs are a trap that lures you in with false promises and leaves you broken beyond repair.” – Unknown

“Drugs turn your life into a chaotic mess that takes years to rebuild, if ever.” – Unknown

“Drugs rob you of your freedom, happiness, and ability to live a fulfilling life.” – Unknown

“Drugs destroy your self-worth and leave you feeling like a failure.” – Unknown

“Drugs are a temporary escape that always lead to permanent consequences.” – Unknown

“Drugs may seem glamorous, but in reality, they lead to a life of destruction and despair.” – Unknown