“Fake love is like a shadow, it follows you wherever you go.” – Unknown

“Fake love can never withstand the storms of truth.” – Unknown

“Fake love is the worst kind of betrayal.” – Unknown

“In the end, fake love always reveals its true colors.” – Unknown

“Fake love is just a game people play to get what they want.” – Unknown

“Don’t settle for fake love when genuine love is out there waiting for you.” – Unknown

“Fake love is like a mirage, it appears beautiful but disappears in a blink of an eye.” – Unknown

“Fake love may feel like a fairytale, but it always ends in heartache.” – Unknown

“Fake love never lasts because it’s built on lies.” – Unknown

“Real love can never be imitated, so don’t waste your time on fake love.” – Unknown

“Fake love is like a fragile flower, it withers away as soon as it’s exposed.” – Unknown JOB AND FAMILY QUOTES

“Fake love is a temporary illusion, it fades away when reality hits.” – Unknown

“True love may hurt, but fake love hurts even more in the long run.” – Unknown

“Don’t be fooled by fake love, it’s nothing more than a mask for selfish intentions.” – Unknown

“Fake love is like a poison, it slowly kills your spirit.” – Unknown

“You deserve genuine love, don’t settle for anything less than real.” – Unknown

“Fake love is like a counterfeit, it may look real but it’s never the same.” – Unknown

“Fake love promises the world, but delivers nothing.” – Unknown

“You can’t build a strong foundation on fake love, it will crumble beneath you.” – Unknown

“Fake love is like a dark cloud, it blocks out the sunshine of genuine affection.” – Unknown

“Never lower your standards for fake love, you deserve the real thing.” – Unknown