“Fate is an excuse for those too afraid to take control of their own lives.” – Unknown

“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.'” – Unknown

“The only thing we control in life is our reaction to what happens. The rest is fate.” – Unknown

“Fate is a mysterious force, but it is up to us to shape our own destiny.” – Unknown

“Fate is the hand that we are dealt, but our choices are the cards we play.” – Unknown

“Fate may have its own plans, but it is our choices that determine our ultimate destination.” – Unknown

“Fate may steer us in a particular direction, but it is up to us to decide how we navigate the path.” – Unknown

“Fate is what happens to us, but free will is how we react to it.” – Unknown

“Our fate is not determined by the stars, but by our own actions.” – Unknown

“Fate may set the stage, but we are the actors who choose our lines.” – Unknown

“Free will is the compass that guides us through the uncertain terrain of fate.” – Unknown

“We are the authors of our own fate, and every choice we make shapes our destiny.” – Unknown

“Fate may present us with challenges, but it is our free will that determines how we overcome them.” – Unknown

“Our lives may be written in the stars, but it is our choices that create the chapters.” – Unknown WORK UNAPPRECIATED QUOTES

“Fate opens the door, but we must have the courage to step through it.” – Unknown

“We may not be able to control the winds of fate, but we can adjust our sails to navigate its currents.” – Unknown

“Fate may deal us a hand, but it is our free will that decides how we play the cards.” – Unknown

“Free will is the ultimate gift, as it allows us to shape our own destiny in the face of fate.” – Unknown

“Fate may be a predetermined path, but it is our choices that determine the scenery along the way.” – Unknown

“Our fate may be written in the stars, but it is our actions that give those words meaning.” – Unknown

“Fate is like a wave, and free will is the surfer who rides it.” – Unknown

“Our destiny may be foretold, but it is our choices that determine whether we fulfil it or not.” – Unknown

“Fate may guide us, but it is our free will that empowers us to defy its limitations.” – Unknown

“We cannot control the hand we are dealt, but we can choose how we play the game.” – Unknown

“Fate may intervene, but it is our free will that allows us to create the life we desire.” – Unknown

“We are the architects of our own destiny, and fate is merely the blueprint.” – Unknown

“Fate and free will are intertwined, as one cannot exist without the other. It is up to us to find the balance.” – Unknown