“When someone throws shade at you, it’s only because you’re outshining them.” – Unknown

“Friends who throw shade are just adding more darkness to their own lives.” – Unknown

“A strong friendship can withstand shade, but a true friend would never throw it.” – Unknown

“Instead of throwing shade, let’s throw some sunshine on each other and enjoy the warmth.” – Unknown

“Friendship is about supporting each other, not throwing shade. Choose your friends wisely.” – Unknown

“Don’t let shade from a friend overshadow the brightness of your bond.” – Unknown

“Shady friends are like clouds blocking the sunlight, choose friends who let your light shine.” – Unknown

“Real friends don’t throw shade, they shine together.” – Unknown

“Embrace friends who lift you up instead of those who throw shade and try to bring you down.” – Unknown

“Throwing shade may cast darkness on others, but it also shadows your true colors.” – Unknown

“A friend throwing shade is like a plant trying to block the sun; it will never succeed in dimming your radiance.” – Unknown

“In a world full of shade-throwers, be the friend that brings warmth and light.” – Unknown

“Friends who throw shade often forget that shadows fade, but true friendship lasts.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the darkness of shade affect the brightness of your friendship.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT FARTING

“Surround yourself with friends who are your sunshine, not the ones who throw shade.” – Unknown

“Shady friends may try to eclipse your success, but a true friend will always celebrate it.” – Unknown

“Throwing shade at a friend is like throwing dirt on a flower; it only tarnishes your own beauty.” – Unknown

“The best response to shade from a friend is to shine even brighter.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never throw shade on your light, but will always reflect and amplify it.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your time shading others when you could be adding color to your own life.” – Unknown

“Friends who throw shade are just creating a dark cloud that will eventually rain negativity.” – Unknown

“The shade others throw at you only matters if you let it dim your spirit. Rise above and stay shining.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never throw shade, but will throw support and encouragement your way.” – Unknown

“When a friend throws shade, it’s a reflection of their own insecurities, not your worth.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with friends who illuminate your life, not those who cast shadows.” – Unknown

“Instead of throwing shade, let’s throw compliments and lift each other up.” – Unknown