“True friends don’t let you get in trouble alone.” – Unknown

“Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.” – Ed Cunningham

“It’s not about getting into trouble, it’s about having someone to share it with.” – Unknown

“If your best friend doesn’t make you question their judgment, are they even your best friend?” – Unknown

“Best friends are the ones who stand by your side, even when you’re both knee-deep in trouble.” – Unknown

“A true best friend is someone who will always bail you out, no questions asked.” – Unknown

“Best friends: the ones you can be your stupid self with and still be loved.” – Unknown

“Getting into trouble with your best friend is just another adventure waiting to happen.” – Unknown

“Best friends are partners in crime, always ready to take the fall for each other.” – Unknown

“Best friends may get in trouble together, but they also get out of it together.” – Unknown

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Walter Winchell

“Best friends make the hard times easier and the good times unforgettable.” – Unknown

“Best friends bring out the mischief in each other and make it twice as fun.” – Unknown

“In the chaos of trouble, true friends stick together and come out stronger.” – Unknown

“Best friends don’t make you feel bad for getting into trouble; they just make it a memorable experience.” – Unknown

“Best friendships are built on shared adventures, even the troublesome ones.” – Unknown INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT LIFE FOR FACEBOOK

“Getting in trouble with your best friend is just another story to add to your legendary bond.” – Unknown

“Best friends are the ones who make even the worst situations bearable.” – Unknown

“A best friend is someone who will always jump into the fire with you, no questions asked.” – Unknown

“True friends are the ones who take your hand and walk through the tough times with you.” – Unknown

“Getting into trouble together is a special kind of bonding experience that only best friends understand.” – Unknown

“Best friends don’t judge you for getting into trouble; they judge you for not inviting them along.” – Unknown

“Best friends are the ones who see the trouble coming and say, ‘Let’s do it!'” – Unknown

“In a world of trouble, a best friend is your shield and your partner in crime.” – Unknown

“Best friends turn mistakes into unforgettable memories.” – Unknown

“Getting in trouble with your best friend is like a rite of passage in any true friendship.” – Unknown

“Best friends are the ones who support you, even when you’re in the wrong.” – Unknown

“In the trouble we create together, our friendship becomes stronger than ever.” – Unknown

“Best friends make sure the trouble is worth it, every single time.” – Unknown

“Getting into trouble with your best friend is like adding fuel to the fire of an epic friendship.” – Unknown