“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” – William Shakespeare

“Love is giving all without expecting anything in return.” – Unknown

“To love someone is to give them your heart entirely.” – Unknown

“Love is not about how much you say ‘I love you,’ but how much you prove it’s true.” – Unknown

“The greatest happiness in life is giving your love to someone completely.” – Unknown

“Love is not measured by how much you receive, but by how much you give.” – Unknown

“Give your love freely and unconditionally, and you will receive it in abundance.” – Unknown

“Love is not limited or conditional; it is infinite and unconditional.” – Unknown

“True love is about giving your all without expecting anything in return.” – Unknown

“Love is the ultimate gift, and when you give it all, you benefit the most.” – Unknown

“The more you give love, the more love you have to give.” – Unknown

“Love is not finite; it multiplies when given away.” – Unknown

“Giving all your love is the key to experiencing true happiness and fulfillment.” – Unknown

“Love doesn’t wait for the perfect moment; it gives all it has at every moment.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about giving all your imperfections to someone who accepts them.” – Unknown BEST JANE AUSTEN QUOTES ABOUT LOVE

“To give all your love is to trust someone with your heart completely.” – Unknown

“It is better to have loved passionately and lost than never to have loved at all.” – Lord Alfred Tennyson

“Love is not a transaction; it’s a generous gift that keeps on giving.” – Unknown

“The more love you give, the more it multiplies within your heart.” – Unknown

“Love is not about possession; it’s about giving someone the freedom and trust to be themselves.” – Unknown

“In giving all your love, you become a vessel of happiness and joy.” – Unknown

“Love is not a competition; it’s a collaboration of hearts.” – Unknown

“Giving all your love means pouring all your energy into someone’s happiness and well-being.” – Unknown

“Love is the only gift that grows stronger when you give it away.” – Unknown

“Love is not about holding on tightly; it’s about setting someone free to soar.” – Unknown

“Giving all your love is an act of vulnerability, but it’s also the bravest thing you can do.” – Unknown

“In giving all your love, you discover the true depth of your own capacity to love.” – Unknown

“Love is not about giving 50%, but about giving 100% of yourself.” – Unknown

“When you give all your love, you create a space for miracles to happen.” – Unknown