“When we give someone our heart, we also give them the power to hurt us, but it is worth the risk for the chance of love.” – Unknown

“To give your heart in loving someone is bravery, for it opens the doors to vulnerability and allows them to see your true self.” – Unknown

“Giving your heart to someone means trusting them with the deepest parts of yourself, knowing they will handle it with care.” – Unknown

“Love is not about possession, but about giving your heart freely to someone and trusting them to cherish it.” – Unknown

“When you give your heart to someone, you’re giving them the power to break it, but also the power to heal it.” – Unknown

“Giving your heart doesn’t guarantee that it will be reciprocated, but it allows you to experience love in its purest form.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding someone perfect, but about giving your imperfect heart to someone who appreciates you for who you are.” – Unknown

“Giving your heart fully and unconditionally is the most courageous act of love one can ever make.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, giving your heart to someone means having faith in their ability to handle it with tenderness.” – Unknown

“When you give your heart to someone, you are entrusting them with the most fragile part of your being. Choose wisely.” – Unknown

“Giving your heart to someone doesn’t mean losing yourself, but rather finding a deeper sense of identity within the connection.” – Unknown

“When you give your heart, you don’t give it away, you share it, amplifying the love that resides within you.” – Unknown INSPIRATIONAL NEW JOB QUOTES

“Giving your heart to someone doesn’t guarantee a fairytale ending, but it allows you to experience the beauty of love in all its forms.” – Unknown

“Giving your heart to someone means accepting their flaws and imperfections, for love is about embracing the whole package.” – Unknown

“Love is not about holding back, but about giving your heart unreservedly and expecting nothing in return.” – Unknown

“Giving your heart to someone means believing in their ability to handle it gently and protect it fiercely.” – Unknown

“When you give your heart to someone, you gift them the power to shape your world, making it more beautiful every day.” – Unknown

“Giving your heart to someone opens the door to vulnerability, but it also welcomes in unimaginable joy and depth of connection.” – Unknown

“Love requires giving your heart fully, with no reservation or hesitation, trusting that it will be cherished and reciprocated.” – Unknown

“When you give your heart to someone, you allow them to see every scar and every hidden secret, trusting that they will embrace it all.” – Unknown

“Giving your heart to someone means giving them your past, present, and future, intertwining your lives in a beautiful dance of love.” – Unknown

“When you give your heart to someone, you give them the power to make you feel the highest levels of happiness and the deepest levels of pain.” – Unknown