“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. God will provide the strength you need to overcome.” – Unknown

“God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.” – Max Lucado

“Faith does not eliminate questions from our minds. But it does enable us to trust God despite unanswered questions.” – Unknown

“In your deepest struggles, remember that God is always with you, guiding and helping you through.” – Unknown

“When we are going through difficult times, God is not distant or uncaring. He is right there, walking beside us, giving us the strength we need.” – Unknown

“God won’t let the storm last forever. He will calm the waves and bring you through it.” – Unknown

“When you feel like you’re at your lowest point, make sure to look up. God is waiting to lift you higher.” – Unknown

“Even in the darkest times, God is still there, loving and supporting you. Trust in Him to help you find the light.” – Unknown

“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again with God’s grace.” – Unknown

“The presence of fear doesn’t mean that God is absent. He is right there, encouraging you to have faith and persevere.” – Unknown

“God may not always change your circumstances, but He will surely change you through the circumstances.” – Unknown

“When everything seems to be falling apart, remember that God holds all the broken pieces in His hands.” – Unknown

“God’s grace is sufficient for every season of life, including the most difficult ones.” – Unknown CHRISTMAS FORGIVENESS QUOTES

“Even when you can’t see a way out, God can make a way. Trust in His timing and plan.” – Unknown

“God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. He can turn your pain into strength and your struggles into success.” – Unknown

“Hard times may try to break you, but with God’s help, they will only make you stronger.” – Unknown

“God’s love and support are always greater than any challenge you face.” – Unknown

“When you feel like giving up, remember who is always there to lift you up. God doesn’t abandon His children.” – Unknown

“No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, remember that God specializes in miracles. Keep faith alive.” – Unknown

“When life knocks you down, let God be the one to help you up. He will never leave or forsake you.” – Unknown

“God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. Trust in Him to carry you through the hard times.” – Unknown

“In difficult times, remember that you’re not on your own. God is always there, carrying you through.” – Unknown

“When you feel overwhelmed, remember that God’s love for you is bigger than any problem or struggle you face.” – Unknown

“God never promised a problem-free life, but He did promise to be there every step of the way.” – Unknown

“God’s help is not limited by our circumstances. Trust in Him to work wonders, even in the toughest times.” – Unknown