“When a person is hurt, they often learn to build walls to protect themselves from further pain.” – Unknown

“Hurt people hurt people. It’s a cycle that can only be broken by healing.” – Unknown

“The greatest pain is not physical, but the wounds of the heart.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the people you hurt the most are the ones who least deserve it.” – Unknown

“Hurt is the price we pay for loving deeply.” – Unknown

“No one can hurt you without your permission.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Hurtful words can pierce deeper than any physical wound.” – Unknown

“Hurt people may stay silent, but their eyes will always scream their pain.” – Unknown

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.” – Unknown

“Hurt feelings are proof that you are still alive.” – Unknown

“The scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal.” – Unknown BEST QUOTES ABOUT ELDER BROTHER

“Hurt people may project their pain onto others. It’s important to break the cycle by choosing compassion instead.” – Unknown

“Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreak makes you wiser.” – Unknown

“A person can only take so much before they start losing hope.” – Unknown

“Hurt is inevitable, but suffering is optional.” – Unknown

“The deepest wounds often come from those we love the most.” – Unknown

“Hurt people often appear strong, but they are the most vulnerable deep down.” – Unknown

“Hurting someone will never make you feel better. Healing yourself will.” – Unknown

“Hurt people carry their wounds until they find someone who is willing to help them heal.” – Unknown

“Hurting someone may momentarily release your own pain, but it will never truly heal you.” – Unknown