“Politeness is the oil that lubricates the machinery of daily interaction.” – Unknown

“Manners maketh man.” – William of Wykeham

“An ill-mannered person may accomplish much, but at the cost of losing the respect and goodwill of others.” – Unknown

“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.” – Clarence Thomas

“It takes no effort to be an ill-mannered person, but it takes true character to be kind and considerate.” – Unknown

“Ill-mannered people often miss out on the opportunities and connections that come with positive social interactions.” – Unknown

“Ill manners invite their own consequences – a life filled with misunderstandings and strained relationships.” – Unknown

“The beauty of good manners is that they make everyone around you feel comfortable and respected.” – Unknown

“An ill-mannered person may think they are assertive, but they often come across as aggressive and rude.” – Unknown

“Politeness is the art of choosing kind words and actions, even in the face of frustration and disagreement.” – Unknown

“A truly well-mannered person carries their politeness with them, regardless of who they are interacting with.” – Unknown

“No amount of talent or intelligence can make up for a lack of basic manners.” – Unknown

“Ill manners are like a contagious disease – they spread negativity and discomfort wherever they go.” – Unknown GOD USES IMPERFECT VESSELS QUOTES

“Respect is earned through good manners, not demanded through ill behavior.” – Unknown

“Ill-mannered people may command attention, but they rarely inspire admiration or trust.” – Unknown

“Politeness costs nothing, but its value is immeasurable.” – Unknown

“Ill manners are a sign of weakness, not strength.” – Unknown

“Well-mannered people understand that showing consideration for others is a sign of self-respect.” – Unknown

“Being polite doesn’t mean you agree with someone, it means you respect their right to have different opinions.” – Unknown

“An ill-mannered person leaves behind a trail of discomfort and bad memories.” – Unknown

“Good manners are not just for special occasions, but a way of life.” – Unknown

“Ill manners may give a temporary sense of power, but they ultimately lead to loneliness and isolation.” – Unknown

“Kindness and good manners are never out of style.” – Unknown

“An ill-mannered person often finds themselves at odds with the world, while a well-mannered person finds harmony and acceptance.” – Unknown

“Politeness is the language of humanity.” – Unknown