“Sometimes, the heart wants what it can’t have.” – Unknown

“You can’t help who you fall in love with.” – Unknown

“I fell for him, but he belongs to someone else.” – Unknown

“Loving someone who is taken is like staring at a star you can never reach.” – Unknown

“You can’t force yourself to stop liking someone just because they are taken.” – Unknown

“Liking someone who is taken is both a blessing and a curse.” – Unknown

“You can’t control your feelings, but you can control your actions.” – Unknown

“Loving someone who belongs to someone else is the hardest battle within oneself.” – Unknown

“It’s hard to watch someone you like be with someone else, but you have to respect their happiness.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, you have to walk away even if it hurts, because you deserve someone who is fully available for you.” – Unknown

“Liking someone who is taken is like walking on a thin line between hope and heartbreak.” – Unknown

“You can appreciate someone from a distance without wanting to be a part of their life.” – Unknown

“Love doesn’t always follow the rules and can happen at the most inconvenient times.” – Unknown

“Liking someone who is taken is a constant battle between what you want and what is right.” – Unknown

“If someone is truly happy in their relationship, you have to respect that and find your own happiness.” – Unknown NEW LIFE TOGETHER QUOTES

“Liking someone who is taken teaches you to value yourself and prioritize your own happiness.” – Unknown

“You can’t control who you develop feelings for, but you can control how you handle them.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, liking someone who is taken is an indication that it’s time to focus on yourself and find your own happiness.” – Unknown

“Longing for someone who is taken is like trying to catch the wind – you can’t hold onto something that is not meant for you.” – Unknown

“Feelings are temporary, and sometimes, they have to be let go for the greater good.” – Unknown

“Timing is everything, and sometimes, it’s just not right.” – Unknown

“Liking someone who is taken teaches you the importance of patience and self-control.” – Unknown

“Life is too short to waste time pining over someone who is not available to you.” – Unknown

“Liking someone who is taken can be a valuable lesson in learning to let go and move on.” – Unknown

“Love is complicated, but it’s important to make choices that align with your values and respect others.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, liking someone who is taken is a reminder that you deserve better and that it’s time to focus on your own happiness.” – Unknown

“It’s important to remember that true love should never involve breaking up a happy relationship.” – Unknown

“Finding happiness within yourself is the first step to being able to love someone who is truly available.” – Unknown