“Love knows no bounds.” – Unknown

“Love is the most powerful force in the world, transcending all limits and boundaries.” – Unknown

“True love knows no limitations or conditions.” – Unknown

“Love is an infinite source of energy that cannot be contained.” – Unknown

“Love is like the ocean, vast and endless.” – Unknown

“True love is limitless, it expands and grows without bounds.” – Unknown

“Love has no limits, it reaches beyond time and space.” – Unknown

“True love is boundless, it gives without asking for anything in return.” – Unknown

“Love has the power to break all barriers and overcome any obstacle.”- Unknown

“Love is a constant, unwavering force that knows no limits.” – Unknown

“Love has the ability to transform and heal, no matter the circumstances.” – Unknown

“The magnitude of love is immeasurable, it cannot be contained or measured.” – Unknown FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT CHILDHOOD FRIENDS

“Love is limitless, it has no end and knows no boundaries.” – Unknown

“Love is not bound by time or distance, it surpasses all limitations.” – Unknown

“In the realm of love, there are no limitations or restrictions.” – Unknown

“Love is the greatest expression of our humanity, boundless and eternal.” – Unknown

“Love is like a river, it flows freely and endlessly.”- Unknown

“Love is infinite, it cannot be contained or diminished.” – Unknown

“Love is a force that knows no limits, it can conquer all.” – Unknown

“Love is like a flame that never goes out, it burns eternally.” – Unknown

“In the realm of love, there is no such thing as too much or not enough.” – Unknown

“Love is an eternal fire that can never be extinguished.” – Unknown

“The power of love is infinite, it can move mountains and heal wounds.” – Unknown