“The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.” – Jennifer Aniston

“The pain of love is the price we pay for its glory.” – Sarah McLachlan

“Love and pain are like twin siblings, inseparable but necessary for growth.” – Unknown

“Love has the power to bring immense joy, but also the potential to cause unbearable pain.” – Sigmund Freud

“Love is the strongest force in the world, and with it comes the greatest pain.” – Unknown

“Love can be a beautiful experience, but it can also be the most painful thing you’ll ever endure.” – Unknown

“Love and pain are intertwined, for without one, the other wouldn’t exist.” – Unknown

“You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain, and you can’t experience true love without some pain.” – Unknown

“The depth of love is often measured by the depth of pain one is willing to endure.” – Unknown

“Pain is inevitable in love, but suffering is optional.” – Unknown

“Love can bring immense joy, but it can also break you into pieces.” – Unknown

“Love is not always synonymous with happiness; sometimes it means enduring pain for the sake of the one you love.” – Unknown I HATE SEEING YOU SAD QUOTES

“Love may hurt, but it also has the power to heal.” – Unknown

“The pain of love is a necessary evil that molds us into who we are meant to become.” – Unknown

“The most painful love isn’t the one that doesn’t work out, it’s the one that could have, but never had the chance.” – Unknown

“Love is a paradox: it can make us feel both ecstatic and completely broken.” – Unknown

“Pain is the price we pay for loving deeply. But without pain, we would miss out on the beautiful moments that love brings.” – Unknown

“Love is an unpredictable rollercoaster ride, taking us to heights of joy and depths of pain we never thought possible.” – Unknown

“Love carries within it the power to both heal and wound, to give immense joy and unbearable sorrow.” – Unknown

“The pain of lost love is the price we pay for the privilege of experiencing its intoxicating bliss.” – Unknown

“Love is like a double-edged sword, bringing both pleasure and pain.” – Unknown

“Love and pain are two sides of the same coin; they cannot exist without each other.” – Unknown