“Love is fragile, like a glass vase. Once broken, it can never be the same.” – Unknown

“Love is like a flower, delicate and vulnerable to the forces of life.” – Unknown

“In love, we expose our vulnerabilities, making it a fragile and precious emotion.” – Unknown

“True love is fragile, but its strength lies in the willingness to protect and nurture it.” – Unknown

“Love is like a fragile butterfly, it requires gentleness and care to flourish.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile, handle it with care.” – Unknown

“Love is a fragile string that ties two souls together, careful not to snap it.” – Unknown

“Love is a delicate dance, where one wrong step can shatter the whole rhythm.” – Unknown

“Love is a fragile seed, needing constant nourishment and warmth to grow.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile because it requires trust, understanding, and vulnerability.” – Unknown

“Love is like a fragile bird, one wrong move and it can take flight.” – Unknown

“Love is a fragile flame that needs constant fuel to keep burning.” – Unknown

“Love is a beautiful but fragile flower, easily crushed by neglect or indifference.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile, like a delicate piece of artwork, easily damaged by harsh words and actions.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile in the absence of communication, for it thrives on connection and understanding.” – Unknown GOOD RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“Love is like a fragile snowflake, unique and beautiful, but easily melted away by doubt.” – Unknown

“Love is a fragile bridge connecting two hearts, requiring patience and care to bear its weight.” – Unknown

“True love is fragile but resilient, capable of withstanding storms and hardships.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile, but its fragility is what makes it worth fighting for.” – Unknown

“Love is a fragile puzzle, each piece fitting perfectly together, but one wrong move and it all falls apart.” – Unknown

“Love is like a fragile melody, easily disrupted by discord and dissonance.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile, but in its vulnerability lies its immense power.” – Unknown

“Love is a fragile balance between giving and receiving, needing constant attention to keep it steady.” – Unknown

“Love is like a fragile glass sculpture, easily shattered by doubt and insecurity.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile, but its presence can heal even the deepest wounds.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile, but its fragility invites us to handle it with tenderness and care.” – Unknown

“Love is a fragile butterfly, delicate and beautiful, fluttering away if not cherished.” – Unknown

“Love is like a fragile breeze, softly caressing our hearts, but disappearing when least expected.” – Unknown

“Love is fragile, a delicate flower that needs constant nurturing to bloom.” – Unknown