“Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen

“Love is an endless act of forgiveness. A tender look brings hope where there was none before.” – Bonnie Heath

“Love is not just about happiness, it’s about being someone’s reason to smile even through the tears.” – Unknown

“Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to.” – Unknown

“Love is when you can be your true self and still be accepted by the one you love.” – Unknown

“Love is not just a feeling, it’s a choice we make every day.” – Unknown

“Love is not about possession, but about appreciation.” – Unknown

“Love is when two souls meet and connect on a deeper level.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding the right person, but about being the right person.” – Unknown

“Love is an act of selflessness, where you put someone else’s happiness above your own.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding someone to complete you, but about finding someone to complement you.” – Anonymous

“Love is a journey, not a destination. It requires effort, patience, and understanding.” – Unknown

“Love is the language that everyone understands, regardless of their cultural or linguistic differences.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding someone perfect, but about finding someone who perfectly accepts your imperfections.” – Unknown

“Love is the music of the heart, and when two souls are in harmony, it creates a beautiful symphony.” – Unknown QUOTES FOR MISSING YOUR DAD

“Love is not about finding someone to fill the void, but about finding someone who helps you realize that you are whole on your own.” – Unknown

“Love is not about holding someone’s hand, but about holding their heart.” – Unknown

“Love is not found in grand gestures, but in the small and simple acts of affection and kindness.” – Unknown

“Love is not about giving someone everything they want, but about giving them everything they need.” – Unknown

“Love is like a flower, it requires care, attention, and nurturing in order to bloom and flourish.” – Unknown

“Love is not about saying ‘I love you’ every day, but about showing it in every action.” – Unknown

“Love is not about being someone’s whole world, but about being the reason they believe in the beauty of it.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding someone you can live with, but about finding someone you can’t live without.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding someone who completes you, but about finding someone who inspires you to become the best version of yourself.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding someone to share your life with, but about finding someone you can’t imagine living without.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding someone to make you happy, but about being someone who brings happiness to others.” – Unknown

“Love is not about having a perfect relationship, but about finding someone you can go through all the imperfections of life with.” – Unknown

“Love is not something you find, it’s something that finds you when you least expect it.” – Unknown