“Marrying the wrong person is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.” – Unknown

“In marrying the wrong person, you deny yourself the opportunity to meet the right one.” – Mandy Hale

“Better to have loved and lost than to marry the wrong person.” – Anonymous

“Marrying the wrong person can be the greatest regret of your life.” – Unknown

“When you marry the wrong person, every day can feel like a struggle.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we marry the wrong person because we’re afraid of being alone.” – Unknown

“Choosing to marry the wrong person is choosing a lifetime of unhappiness.” – Unknown

“Be careful who you marry, for your choice can either make or break your happiness.” – Unknown

“Marrying the wrong person is like walking into a storm without an umbrella.” – Unknown

“A successful marriage is built on choosing the right person, not just someone to fill the void.” – Unknown

“One of the biggest tragedies in life is marrying the wrong person.” – Unknown

“Marrying the wrong person is a recipe for disaster and heartache.” – Unknown MISSING YOU BEREAVEMENT QUOTES

“Don’t settle for someone who is not right for you, or you will spend a lifetime regretting it.” – Unknown

“Marrying the wrong person is like being trapped in a loveless prison.” – Unknown

“Marriage is a sacred union, and marrying the wrong person defiles that sanctity.” – Unknown

“When you marry the wrong person, you exchange love for regret.” – Unknown

“Marrying the wrong person is a waste of your time and potential.” – Unknown

“Don’t be so desperate to get married that you settle for the wrong person.” – Unknown

“Marriage is not just about companionship; it’s about finding your soulmate.” – Unknown

“The wrong person may make you feel alone even in a crowded room.” – Unknown

“Marrying the wrong person is like willingly diving into a sea of regrets.” – Unknown

“Don’t sacrifice your happiness by marrying the wrong person out of fear.” – Unknown

“Marrying the wrong person is taking a wrong turn on the path to your dreams.” – Unknown