“A true mentor is someone who sees the potential in you and helps you discover it for yourself.” – Oprah Winfrey

“The greatest gift a mentor can give is their belief in you.” – Rob Liano

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” – Oprah Winfrey

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the higher part of yourself when sometimes it becomes hidden to your own view.” – Oprah Winfrey

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself and helps bring it out.” – Bob Proctor

“A mentor is someone who believes in you before you believe in yourself.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who guides you towards becoming the person they see in you, even when you can’t see it yourself.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who sees the greatness in you, even when you can’t see it in yourself.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who challenges you to become the best version of yourself.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who sees your potential and encourages you to pursue it relentlessly.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who helps you navigate the path to your dreams, even in the toughest of times.” – Unknown BIKING QUOTES AND SAYINGS

“A mentor is someone who not only inspires you but also empowers you to take charge of your own success.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who shares their wisdom and experience to help you avoid the same mistakes they made.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who supports you through your failures and celebrates your successes.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who listens, understands, and guides you through both triumphs and tribulations.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who sees your potential, even when you doubt yourself.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who pushes you out of your comfort zone to help you discover your true capabilities.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who provides guidance, inspiration, and motivation to help you reach your goals.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who believes in your dreams and encourages you to chase them fearlessly.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who helps you identify and overcome your weaknesses, while enhancing and utilizing your strengths.” – Unknown

“A mentor is someone who not only teaches you but also inspires you to become the best version of yourself.” – Unknown