“Not everyone you meet is meant to stay in your life. Some are just passing through to teach you lessons.” – Unknown

“In the journey of life, you will realize that not everyone who started with you will finish with you.” – Unknown

“Not everyone is your friend. Some are just pretending to be while they’re gathering information about you.” – Unknown

“Know that not everyone has the same heart as you. Not everyone will genuinely care about your well-being.” – Unknown

“Not everyone you call a friend deserves that title. True friends are rare and precious.” – Unknown

“Not everyone will support your dreams. Some will secretly hope you fail.” – Unknown

“Remember, not everyone who smiles at you is your friend. Some are just good at hiding their true intentions.” – Unknown

“Not everyone who is present in your life will be there during tough times. Real friends will stand by you through it all.” – Unknown

“Remember, not everyone who claps when you succeed is genuinely happy for you. Some are just applauding their own jealousy.” – Unknown

“Be cautious, not everyone who reaches out in times of need is in genuine need of your help. Some just exploit your kindness.” – Unknown

“Not everyone will appreciate the person you are. Don’t waste your energy trying to win over those who cannot see your worth.” – Unknown

“Not everyone in your circle wants to see you thrive. Surround yourself with those who genuinely support and uplift you.” – Unknown

“Don’t be fooled by someone’s sweet words. Not everyone who compliments you has good intentions.” – Unknown

“Remember, not everyone who promises to be there forever will actually stick by your side. Actions speak louder than words.” – Unknown

“Not everyone you lose is a loss. Sometimes, it’s a sign that you’re making space for better people to come into your life.” – Unknown

“Don’t be disappointed when people let you down. Not everyone is capable of being a true friend.” – Unknown FRIENDSHIP IS NOT BY FORCE QUOTES

“Not everyone who enters your life is meant to stay. Some are there to teach you valuable lessons and then move on.” – Unknown

“Trust is earned, not freely given. Not everyone deserves your trust.” – Unknown

“Remember, not everyone who asks about your life genuinely cares. Some are just curious for all the wrong reasons.” – Unknown

“Not everyone will understand your journey, and that’s okay. It’s not for them to comprehend.” – Unknown

“Don’t be surprised when people turn their backs on you. Not everyone has the capacity to be a true friend.” – Unknown

“Tread carefully. Not everyone who initially seems friendly has your best interests at heart.” – Unknown

“Not everyone will value your loyalty. Some will take advantage of it.” – Unknown

“Remember, not everyone who says they care actually does. Actions speak louder than empty words.” – Unknown

“Not everyone who looks like a friend has a true friendship to offer. It’s the genuine ones that are worth cherishing.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your energy on people who don’t value you. Not everyone deserves a seat at your table.” – Unknown

“Be cautious, not everyone who approaches you with open arms has pure intentions.” – Unknown

“Don’t be fooled by someone’s charming personality. Not everyone who seems kind is genuine.” – Unknown

“Not everyone you meet will be your friend, and that’s okay. Focus on the quality of friendships rather than quantity.” – Unknown

“Remember, not everyone will be happy with your success. Some will silently wish for your downfall.” – Unknown