“Friendship is not about whom you have known the longest, it is about who came and never left your side.” – Unknown

“True friends are never forgotten; they live within our hearts and memories forever.” – Unknown

“Old friends are precious, there is no replacing them.” – Unknown

“Distance cannot erase the memories we have shared with old friends.” – Unknown

“Old friends know us best, yet love us anyway.” – Unknown

“In the garden of friendship, the old vines are the strongest.” – Unknown

“Old friends make the best company; their knowledge of our past makes our present brighter.” – Unknown

“An old friend is like a treasure that you never want to lose.” – Unknown

“The joy of meeting an old friend after years is indescribable.” – Unknown

“Old friends are like stars; you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.” – Unknown

“Old friends understand our quirks and still find them endearing.” – Unknown

“As time goes by, old friends become even more valuable.” – Unknown

“An old friend is a bridge to the past and a connection to the future.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who stick around when everyone else is gone.” – Unknown FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT TAX AVOIDANCE

“Old friends are the anchor in the storms of life.” – Unknown

“Old friends are like fine wine, they only get better with time.” – Unknown

“Distance may separate us, but it can’t erase the bond between old friends.” – Unknown

“Old friends add color to the canvas of our lives.” – Unknown

“With old friends, every conversation feels like a warm embrace.” – Unknown

“Old friends remind us of who we were and help shape who we are becoming.” – Unknown

“Old friends are like old books; their stories are forever etched in our hearts.” – Unknown

“True friendship doesn’t age; it only grows stronger with time.” – Unknown

“Old friends are like family, chosen by the heart.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the keepers of our secrets and the preservers of our memories.” – Unknown

“Even if years pass without seeing each other, old friends can pick up right where they left off.” – Unknown

“Old friends bring out the best in us and remind us of our worth.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the chapters of our lives that we never want to skip.” – Unknown