“True friendship is when you don’t know someone for a long time, but it feels as if you’ve known each other forever.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the people we know the least make the biggest impact on our lives.” – Unknown

“Never assume you know someone based on what others have told you. People are capable of surprising you.” – Unknown

“It’s better to admit you don’t know someone well enough than to pretend like you do.” – Unknown

“Don’t judge or assume based on what you don’t know about someone. Everyone has their own story.” – Unknown

“Getting to know someone is like peeling an onion. You uncover new layers each time.” – Unknown

“Not knowing someone well may be the perfect opportunity to see them with fresh eyes and an open heart.” – Unknown

“In the realm of friendships, not knowing someone completely can sometimes be a refreshing mystery.” – Unknown

“Don’t underestimate the power of what you don’t know about someone. It keeps the curiosity alive.” – Unknown

“The beauty of not knowing someone is the endless possibilities it holds.” – Unknown

“The more you realize you don’t know about someone, the more intrigued you become.” – Unknown

“It’s okay not to know someone fully. People are constantly evolving and changing.” – Unknown

“Not knowing someone well allows room for growth, understanding, and acceptance.” – Unknown

“You can spend a lifetime getting to know someone and still discover new things about them every day.” – Unknown CUTE LONG RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“Every person holds a mystery within, and not knowing someone fully is part of the adventure.” – Unknown

“Appreciate the moments of uncertainty in knowing someone because it means there is still more to discover.” – Unknown

“Not knowing someone well means having the chance to be pleasantly surprised by who they truly are.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn about someone you don’t know. It’s how genuine connections are formed.” – Unknown

“The joy of not completely knowing someone is the endless possibilities for friendship and love.” – Unknown

“You can’t judge someone based on appearances or surface-level interactions. True knowledge comes from spending time with them.” – Unknown

“Not knowing someone well keeps the element of surprise alive in our relationships.” – Unknown

“We are all strangers until we take the time to truly know someone.” – Unknown

“Not knowing someone’s story is an invitation to listen and understand without bias.” – Unknown

“Every person carries a universe within them. Not knowing someone fully means exploring their world.” – Unknown

“The journey of getting to know someone is just as beautiful as the destination.” – Unknown

“It’s alright to admit when you don’t know someone well. It opens up the opportunity for deeper connection and understanding.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the best friendships emerge from not knowing someone at all. It allows for a fresh start and genuine connections.” – Unknown