“Pride is concerned with who is right. Love is concerned with what is right.” – Unknown

“Pride brings forth arguments. Love brings forth understanding.” – Unknown

“Pride builds walls. Love tears them down.” – Unknown

“Pride looks down on others. Love lifts them up.” – Unknown

“Pride seeks recognition. Love seeks connection.” – Unknown

“Pride is self-serving. Love is selfless.” – Unknown

“Pride is loud and boastful. Love is humble and kind.” – Unknown

“Pride creates division. Love creates unity.” – Unknown

“Pride pushes people away. Love draws them closer.” – Unknown

“Pride seeks revenge. Love seeks forgiveness.” – Unknown

“Pride is resistant to change. Love embraces growth and transformation.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT FALLING LOVE

“Pride elevates oneself. Love celebrates others.” – Unknown

“Pride judges. Love accepts.” – Unknown

“Pride diminishes. Love empowers.” – Unknown

“Pride withers in the face of adversity. Love thrives in challenging times.” – Unknown

“Pride seeks control. Love embraces freedom.” – Unknown

“Pride demands perfection. Love embraces imperfections.” – Unknown

“Pride is based on fear. Love is based on trust.” – Unknown

“Pride creates distance. Love bridges the gap.” – Unknown

“Pride sees flaws. Love sees potential.” – Unknown

“Pride shackles the heart. Love sets it free.” – Unknown