“Promises are like glass, once broken, they can never be the same again.” – Unknown

“Promises mean everything, but after they are broken, sorry means nothing.” – Unknown

“Promises are just empty words until they are fulfilled, broken promises are just empty hearts.” – Unknown

“Promises are like butterflies, beautiful at first, but easily crushed when broken.” – Unknown

“Broken promises are like shattered glass, they leave you with scars that may never heal.” – Unknown

“A promise means everything, but once it is broken, sorry means nothing.” – Unknown

“Promises are meant to be kept, not broken. Otherwise, they hold no value.” – Unknown

“The greatest disappointment comes from broken promises.” – Unknown

“Promises are like paper, once crumpled, they can never be perfectly straight again.” – Unknown

“Broken promises are like shattered dreams, they leave you feeling lost and empty.” – Unknown

“Promises that are broken leave a trail of disappointment and mistrust.” – Unknown

“Broken promises are like a betrayal of trust, leaving deep wounds that may never fully heal.” – Unknown

“Promises may be sweet when spoken, but they are meaningless when broken.” – Unknown PUN QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS

“Broken promises change the meaning of trust, making it harder to believe in future commitments.” – Unknown

“Promises broken repeatedly erode the very foundation of any relationship.” – Unknown

“Broken promises are like poison to the soul, slowly destroying the trust that was once there.” – Unknown

“Promises are meant to hold us together, but broken promises tear us apart.” – Unknown

“Broken promises are like shattered illusions, revealing the true nature of the person who made them.” – Unknown

“Promises broken today make it hard to believe in promises for tomorrow.” – Unknown

“Broken promises evoke a sense of betrayal, making it difficult to trust again.” – Unknown

“Promises made in haste, broken in regret.” – Unknown

“Broken promises leave behind marks of disappointment and hurt, changing the course of relationships.” – Unknown

“Promises may be pleasing to hear, but they are painful when they shatter into pieces.” – Unknown

“Broken promises are like a dagger to the heart, leaving scars that remind us of the pain.” – Unknown