“I build walls around me to protect my heart, but sometimes it pushes love away too.” – Unknown

“I fear getting hurt, so I push love away before it has a chance to hurt me.” – Unknown

“Love feels so comfortable, but I often push it away because I’m afraid of the unknown.” – Unknown

“I push love away because I’m scared of becoming vulnerable and losing control.” – Unknown

“I’ve convinced myself that I’m better off alone, so I push love away even when it’s right in front of me.” – Unknown

“I’ve been hurt before, so I push love away to protect myself from experiencing pain again.” – Unknown

“My fear of rejection drives me to push love away, no matter how much I crave it.” – Unknown

“I have a hard time trusting others, so I push love away as a defense mechanism.” – Unknown

“I struggle with self-worth, and I push love away because deep down I don’t believe I deserve it.” – Unknown

“My fear of intimacy compels me to push love away, even when it’s genuine.” – Unknown

“I’ve experienced heartbreak in the past, so I push love away to avoid repeating that pain.” – Unknown

“I’m too focused on my own personal goals, so I push love away as a distraction.” – Unknown

“I push love away because I’m afraid of losing my independence and freedom.” – Unknown MOMENTUM INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES

“I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop, so I push love away to avoid disappointment.” – Unknown

“I’ve become so accustomed to being alone that I push love away out of habit.” – Unknown

“I struggle with feelings of inadequacy, so I push love away instead of facing them head-on.” – Unknown

“I’ve built a fortress around my heart, making it difficult for love to penetrate through. I often push it away unknowingly.” – Unknown

“I’m afraid of losing myself in a relationship, so I push love away to protect my identity.” – Unknown

“I reject love before it has a chance to reject me, as a defense mechanism to guard my emotions.” – Unknown

“I’ve been hurt so deeply that I’m terrified of opening myself up to love. So, I push it away.” – Unknown

“I can’t bear the thought of being vulnerable, so I push love away to maintain control over my emotions.” – Unknown

“I’ve convinced myself that I’m not deserving of love, so I push it away as a self-fulfilling prophecy.” – Unknown

“I’m afraid of being abandoned, so I push love away before it has a chance to leave me.” – Unknown

“My past experiences have taught me that love doesn’t last, so I push it away to protect myself from future heartbreak.” – Unknown

“I find it difficult to fully trust someone, so I push love away to avoid being betrayed.” – Unknown