“Character is like a tree and reputation is like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Your reputation is what others think of you; your character is what you truly are.” – John Wooden

“Reputation is the cornerstone of power.” – Robert Greene

“Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as to think.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us.” – Thomas Paine

“Reputation is what drives you. Character is what sustains you.” – Unknown

“Character, not wealth or power, is the ultimate currency of a successful life.” – Unknown

“Reputation is what people say about you; character is who you really are.” – Unknown

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” – Helen Keller

“Reputation is like fine china, once broken it can be mended, but the cracks will always remain.” – Unknown

“Character is the foundation of all enduring success.” – Unknown

“Reputation is what you achieve; character is what you become.” – Unknown

“Reputation is what others perceive you to be; character is what you truly are.” – Unknown

“Character is like a mirror. Once broken, it can never be the same again.” – Unknown QUOTES FOR FATHER ON HIS DEATH ANNIVERSARY

“Reputation is made in a moment, but character is built over a lifetime.” – Unknown

“Your reputation is built on what others say about you, but your character is built on what you do when no one is watching.” – Unknown

“Character is the most precious possession any individual can have.” – Unknown

“Reputation is what people think you are; character is who you really are.” – Unknown

“Character is not something you buy or inherit; it is something you build with every decision you make.” – Unknown

“Reputation is only a fraction of the truth; character is the whole truth.” – Unknown

“Character is the foundation upon which reputation is built.” – Unknown

“Your character is your destiny.” – Unknown

“Reputation is what you are perceived to be; character is what you actually are.” – Unknown

“Character is the highest currency of trust.” – Unknown

“Reputation is like a glass, once shattered it can never be put back together.” – Unknown

“Character is the true measure of a person, not their reputation.” – Unknown