“Rob from the rich, give to the poor.” – Popular saying associated with Robin Hood

“In merry Sherwood, where the boughs of greenwood rustled o’er his head, still he persists, the outcast, relentless in his need.” – Arthur Conan Doyle

“Robin Hood is often depicted as a romantic figure, but he was a real outlaw with a real grudge against those in power.” – Unknown

“Steal from the rich and give to the poor, for that is the essence of Robin Hood’s legacy.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood represented justice and standing up against corrupt authority.” – Michael Praed

“For Robin Hood lives in us all… he watches, he waits, and he does not forget.” – Unknown

“Robbers have perpetually been divided into two classes—the regenerate and unregenerate.” – Alexandre Dumas

“Robin Hood was a hero to the oppressed, a champion of the common people against greedy and unjust rulers.” – Howard Pyle

“Such communistic ideas of justice as ‘steal from the rich and give to the poor’ have always been dear to the heart of the poor and oppressed.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood was the most enchanting of all thieves—the one who said to me, ‘Don’t weep for the dead, but for the living.'” – Unknown

“Robin Hood fought a merry battle against the iniquities of powerful men.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood had the enchanted power of creating disciples.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood dared to challenge the social order and became a legend of hope for the downtrodden.” – Unknown MY HEART AND SOUL QUOTES

“Robin Hood lived by the principles of equity and fairness, showing that it is possible to defy tyranny and bring justice to the oppressed.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood had a heart as big as Sherwood Forest.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood proved that one man can make a difference, that it’s possible to stand up against injustice and inspire others to do the same.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood taught us that even in the face of adversity, we can find strength and courage to fight for what is right.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood had no need for titles or wealth, for he valued freedom and justice above all.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood’s legacy reminds us to question authority and stand up against corruption, for the sake of a more just society.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood was a symbol of resistance against tyranny, reminding us that ordinary people can make a difference and bring about change.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood stood for the collective spirit of the people, showing that unity can overcome oppression.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood’s legend endures because it embodies the timeless battle between the haves and the have-nots.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood’s story teaches us the importance of fighting for what is right, regardless of the odds against us.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood inspires us to be generous and kind, to share our resources with those in need.” – Unknown

“Robin Hood’s arrow struck at the heart of injustice, reminding all that the powerful are not invincible.” – Unknown