“The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart. Use it wisely.” – Unknown

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Teresa

“Hurtful words leave deeper scars than wounds inflicted by a sword.” – Unknown

“Speak when you are angry, and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” – Laurence J. Peter

“The words you speak can either be bricks to build someone up or nails to tear them down.” – Unknown

“Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve upon the silence?” – Shirdi Sai Baba

“Your words have the power to either wound or heal. Choose them carefully.” – Unknown

“Even the darkest words, spoken with ill intent, can shatter someone’s soul.” – Unknown

“Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, and to hurt.” – Yehuda Berg

“In the moment of anger, the tongue can be our biggest enemy. Let’s learn to tame it.” – Unknown

“Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you.” – Unknown

“The only time harsh words should be spoken is when they are followed by an apology.” – Joyce Meyer

“Your words blend into the air, leaving residues of forgiveness or bitterness.” – Unknown

“When anger rises, think of the consequences of your words.” – Confucius SHORT SELF-DISCIPLINE QUOTES

“The power of your words is immeasurable. Use it wisely, for it can build or burn bridges.” – Unknown

“Words spoken in anger are sword wounds that hardly heal.” – Unknown

“The tongue is just a small part of the body, but it can destroy a person’s worth and reputation.” – Unknown

“Words once spoken cannot be taken back. Be careful of the impact they may have.” – Unknown

“He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.” – Proverbs 21:23

“The words you speak to others are a reflection of the person you truly are.” – Unknown

“Words, like rocks, can either build bridges or construct walls.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your words be the source of someone’s pain; let them be the source of inspiration.” – Unknown

“The scars left by words can be permanent. Choose them wisely.” – Unknown

“You can never take back words once they are spoken. Think before you utter them.” – Unknown

“Better to bite your tongue than to taste the bitterness of regret from hurtful words.” – Unknown

“A slip of the tongue can cause bruised souls and broken hearts.” – Unknown

“Let your words be your light, not a whip to lash others.” – Unknown