“Beware of those who come as snakes, disguising themselves as friends.” – Unknown

“Fake friends are like snakes; as long as they think they can benefit from you, they will stick around.” – Unknown

“Snakes hiss, and fakes smile. Both can bite, so keep your distance.” – Unknown

“Don’t trust anyone too quickly, because the true nature of a snake or a fake friend reveals itself over time.” – Unknown

“Snakes slither silently, fakes smile fluently; both are dangerous in their own ways.” – Unknown

“Snakes may shed their skins, but fakes never change their deceitful tendencies.” – Unknown

“Better to be bitten by a snake once than to be deceived by a fake friend repeatedly.” – Unknown

“A snake’s bite leaves a visible wound, while a fake friend’s betrayal leaves an invisible scar.” – Unknown

“A fake smiles with you, a snake hisses behind your back.” – Unknown

“Snakes and fakes share the same characteristic – they both manipulate to their advantage.” – Unknown

“A fakes displays temporary affection, just like a snake’s venom offers temporary relief before causing harm.” – Unknown THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY DAY SO SPECIAL QUOTES

“Snakes and fakes both slither away when their true intentions are exposed.” – Unknown

“A snake can crawl into your life, but it’s your job to identify a fake friend before letting them in.” – Unknown

“Being cautious of snakes and fakes is essential; they can suffocate you with their deceit.” – Unknown

“If you hear a hiss, beware of the snake; if you sense betrayal, beware of the fake.” – Unknown

“Real friends are like diamonds, while fake friends are like snakes in the grass.” – Unknown

“Snakes shed their skin to grow, but fakes change their masks to deceive.” – Unknown

“Snakes may shed their old skin, but fakes never grow or evolve morally.” – Unknown

“A snake slithers towards its prey, while a fake friend crawls towards their benefit.” – Unknown

“Beware of the snake’s poison and the fake friend’s deceit, for both can leave lasting damage.” – Unknown