“Beware of the friend who always knows too much about everyone else’s business.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend is never a true friend.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t lurk in the shadows; they stand by your side.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend will sell you out for their own gain.” – Unknown

“Never trust a friend who constantly whispers behind your back.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend will stab you in the back and pretend they’re helping you up.” – Unknown

“Keep your distance from the friend who knows your secrets and uses them against you.” – Unknown

“A true friend reveals themselves in times of crisis, while a sneaky friend disappears.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend is like a snake, waiting to strike when you’re vulnerable.” – Unknown

“The company of a sneaky friend is poisonous to your happiness.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend will always have hidden motives and ulterior intentions.” – Unknown

“Watch out for the friend who manipulates the truth and plays mind games.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend will try to bring you down to elevate themselves.” – Unknown WILL SMITH QUOTES ABOUT RELATIONSHIP

“Genuine friends are transparent, while sneaky ones wear a mask.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend will always find ways to exploit your weaknesses.” – Unknown

“A true friend will confront you directly, while a sneaky friend will spread rumors.” – Unknown

“Beware of the friend who pretends to support you but sabotages you in the shadows.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend will walk with you, but their true loyalty lies elsewhere.” – Unknown

“A genuine friend respects your boundaries, while a sneaky friend will always push them.” – Unknown

“Don’t be fooled by the friend who smiles to your face but talks behind your back.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend will drain your energy and leave you feeling used.” – Unknown

“Remember, a sneaky friend will gossip about you as soon as you leave the room.” – Unknown

“A true friend builds you up, while a sneaky friend tears you down.” – Unknown

“A sneaky friend will always find a way to benefit from your misfortune.” – Unknown

“Never underestimate the damage a sneaky friend can do to your life.” – Unknown