“A true friend is someone who always stands by your side, even when someone tries to steal them away.” – Unknown

“A loyal friend cannot be stolen, for their value lies in their heart, not in their presence.” – Unknown

“Just because someone tries to steal your friend, doesn’t mean they will succeed. True friendships are built on trust and loyalty.” – Unknown

“A friend who can be easily stolen was never truly yours to begin with.” – Unknown

“Beware of those who try to steal your friends, for they are the ones who lack true companionship.” – Unknown

“A loyal friend is worth more than any stolen treasure.” – Unknown

“True friends cannot be stolen, for their bond is unbreakable.” – Unknown

“Never underestimate the power of friendship; it can withstand any attempts to steal it away.” – Unknown

“A true friend cannot be stolen, for their presence in your life is irreplaceable.” – Unknown

“Don’t let anyone steal your happiness by trying to take away your friend. Their presence makes your life richer and more meaningful.” – Unknown

“A friendship built on trust and loyalty cannot be stolen, no matter how hard someone may try.” – Unknown

“A stolen friend is not worth the pain and betrayal it brings. Cherish those who remain faithful and loyal to you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes people try to steal your friend out of envy or selfishness. Stay strong and protect the bond you share.” – Unknown

“True friendship cannot be taken away; it is a gift that remains with you forever.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT HARAM RELATIONSHIP

“Someone can only steal your friend if they allow themselves to be stolen. True friends know their worth and cannot be easily swayed.” – Unknown

“A stolen friend is like a stolen treasure, it loses its value and meaning once it’s taken away.” – Unknown

“True friends cannot be stolen; they choose to stay because they value and appreciate your presence in their life.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your energy worrying about someone stealing your friend. Focus on building strong and genuine relationships instead.” – Unknown

“A true friend is priceless; their worth cannot be measured or stolen.” – Unknown

“If someone tries to steal your friend, consider it a blessing in disguise. It reveals their true character and saves you from toxic relationships.” – Unknown

“A stolen friend is a lesson learned. Choose your friends wisely and protect those who hold a special place in your heart.” – Unknown

“Keep your friends close and let go of those who try to steal them away. It’s better to have a few true friends than a group of disloyal companions.” – Unknown

“A true friend is like a rare gem, no one can steal its beauty, for it shines from within.” – Unknown

“Don’t let someone’s attempt to steal your friend cause you to doubt yourself. True friends will always choose you over anyone else.” – Unknown

“A stolen friend may bring temporary satisfaction, but a true friend will bring timeless happiness.” – Unknown

“The best revenge against those who steal your friend is to continue being the kind and loyal person you are. True friends will always find their way back to you.” – Unknown